4-6 Cups coarsely chopped broccoli
Cook in 4-6 cups boiling water until slightly tender for aprox 4 minutes or until desired tenderness (I under cook so the final product is not mushy)
Drain and save the liquid.
Melt in large soup kettle, 1 cup butter. Add 1 cup finely chopped onion and cook until transparent. Blend 1 cup flour into butter and onions. Add 4-6 cups chicken broth and cook, stirring constantly until it comes to a boil. Stir in 2 cups liquid from broccoli and 4 cups light cream. Add 2 teaspoons salt or to taste. Add reserved broccoli -- stir until boiling.
Makes aprox one gallon
Top with favorite cheeses and or crisp bacon bits and home made croutons.